
Life Freedom

Prepaid Mastercard®

Products available to

Representative Payee

Agency Clients!

Disperse client funds;

help reduce the risk of

fraud and control costs.

Life Freedom Prepaid Mastercard

products available to

Representative Payee

Agency Clients!

The Life Freedom Prepaid Mastercard is designed to enhance the financial well-being of clients of Representative Payee Agencies and sponsoring social services agencies. Our Programs help provide financial control and flexibility for Representative Payee Agency Clients who:

Receive government benefits such as Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, Railroad Retirement, Civil Service Retirement, and VA Compensation or Pension

Are required to have direct deposit or would like the convenience of direct deposit

Do not want or cannot obtain a traditional bank account

Life Freedom Prepaid Mastercard products are available to anyone who has an appointed Representative Payee Agency. If you are an Organizational Representative Payee Agency (501c3), or a Government Agency providing representative payee services and would like to offer to your clients a money management tool, designed with their unique needs in mind to encourage a healthy sense of independence, our Life Freedom Card program may meet your organization's needs.


Please complete a Contact Us form and you will promptly be contacted by one of our representatives.

We look forward to hearing from you!